Major Requirements

Required Education Coursework for Majors in Secondary/K-12 Education

Completion of the following education coursework is required for Minnesota licensure to teach. To be eligible to take 300-level EDUC prefix courses and complete a Secondary/K-12 Education major, the student must first be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (except EDUC 330). Students must also complete the coursework required by the content department of a major (see individual major departments).

The requirements for a major in education are 67-91 credits. Education coursework, either for the double major options, or integrated options include the following:

Education Courses
EDUC 212American Education in a Diverse World4
EDUC 221Teaching in the Middle School2
EDUC 352Technology, Instruction & Ecology of the Secondary Classroom4
EDUC 399Orientation to Student Teaching0
EDUC 420Knowledge, Literacy and Inquiry2
EDUC 425Education of the Exceptional Child2
EDUC 488Assessment and Reflection on Student Teaching Practice1
Student teaching (see individual major or program for appropriate course number)12
PSYC 212Educational Psychology4
Content specific methods of teaching course (see individual major or program)4-8
Total Hours35-39

Coursework Sequence

Completion of the education coursework component should be taken in the sequence outlined below. Please refer to individual course descriptions for pre- and corequisites.

First year:

  • No EDUC prefix courses taken

Second year: first or second semester, or first summer session

EDUC 212American Education in a Diverse World4
EDUC 221Teaching in the Middle School2
PSYC 212Educational Psychology4

Third year:

  •  Each content specific methods of teaching course is offered either fall or spring semester and is taken concurrently with EDUC 352 Technology, Instruction & Ecology of the Secondary ClassroomEDUC 420 Knowledge, Literacy and Inquiry and EDUC 425 Education of the Exceptional Child.
  • EDUC 399 is take the semester prior to student teaching (spring of the junior year if teaching in the fall or the fall of the senior year if student teaching in the spring.
EDUC 352Technology, Instruction & Ecology of the Secondary Classroom4
EDUC 399Orientation to Student Teaching (Taken the semester before student teaching)0

Fourth year: first or second semester

EDUC 399Orientation to Student Teaching (Taken the semester before student teaching)0
EDUC 488Assessment and Reflection on Student Teaching Practice1

The following courses are to be taken concurrently:

EDUC 488Assessment and Reflection on Student Teaching Practice1
Appropriate student teaching course:12
Student Teaching: Art
Student Teaching: Physical Education
Student Teaching: Secondary Education
Student Teaching: Music

Degree and Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program-specific requirements listed above, all students must complete the graduation requirements specified for their degree.  See the Degree and Graduation Requirements section for more information.