Auditing Courses
Anyone wishing to audit (attend a course without seeking credit) must have a Concordia College ID number, register for the course (to be listed on the class roster), and pay the required fees (see Special Fees in the Tuition and Financial Information section). Courses with space available may be audited by obtaining consent of the instructor and department chair or program director on the audit registration form (available online and in the Office of the Registrar). Some courses may not be audited for reasons such as space restrictions, special fees or equipment, or external regulations (e.g., HIPAA). Concordia College sponsored study away programs, such as May Seminars, with space available may be audited but the total seminar fee is assessed. Minors are not eligible to audit travel programs.
The audit grade of AU on an academic transcript indicates the class was attended. In the unlikely event that an auditor disrupts the learning environment for other students, the instructor may, in consultation with the department chair/program director, withdraw their consent for the audit. If the instructor reports lack of attendance or withdrawal of consent to the Office of the Registrar, the registration for the audited course will be voided as of that date. Auditors may enroll in a maximum of 8 credits per semester.
Any change from audit to credit must be done by the last day to add a full semester course (10th day of classes). Any change from credit to audit must be done by the last day to drop a full-semester course (eighth week of classes). Refunds for changes from credit to audit will be prorated on the same basis as refunds for withdrawals from courses taken for credit. A course completed with the grade of AU may not be changed to credit. A student may enroll to take the course for credit at a later date. An audited course does not apply to graduation requirements nor the course load needed for financial aid awards.
Pass-Fail Registration Option
The purpose of the pass-fail option is to encourage students to try courses in fields other than their major or minor. Students may take a maximum of 8 credits or their equivalent (excluding transfer credits) on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory (S-U) basis; no more than 4 credits per subject prefix can be graded on an S-U basis, and a course taken for a grade of S-U cannot satisfy any of the liberal arts Core requirements. The grade of S is awarded for C- and higher level work. The grade of U is awarded for D and F level work. Courses offered only on an S-U basis may be taken in addition to the 8 credit maximum. Nursing and dietetics courses required for the major cannot be taken on a pass-fail basis. A course taken as pass-fail will be counted in the attempted hours but will not affect the Concordia GPA.
Repeating Courses
Students must notify the Office of the Registrar when repeating a course. Courses may be repeated if the student has earned a grade of C- or below, or a U, and if space permits. All courses attempted remain on the student’s transcript; only the last grade is computed into the GPA and credit is only earned once. The Student Academic Performance and Procedures Committee must approve exceptions to these rules. Federal regulations prohibit Concordia College from awarding federal financial aid to a student for repeating a course, unless the student failed the course.
Credit by Examination
Full-time students may receive credit in some courses by successfully completing special examinations that test their knowledge of the subject matter. Requests to take an examination must be made through the Registrar's Office and approved by the instructor and chair of the department offering the course. The instructor of the course and the department chair will administer and evaluate the examination. If the credit by examination request is approved, students will be charged a $30 course examination administration fee and a $120 tuition fee if the examination is successfully completed. Credit earned by examination is reflected on the academic transcript with an "S" grade.
A limit of 20 credits earned through credit by examination may be applied to the 126 credits required to earn a degree. Students may not take a departmental examination if they:
- are currently registered in the course.
- have already received credit for that course.
- are registered for a more advanced course in that department.
- have already completed a more advanced course in that department.