Residency Requirement: Because the college places a high value on the positive personal and educational outcomes of a residential community experience, all full-time students are required to live on campus and maintain a campus dining plan unless the student meets one of the following exemptions (documentation is required):

  1. Have completed four semesters of full-time enrollment at Concordia or another institution of higher education
  2. Living at home in the immediate area (within 15 miles of campus) with their parents
  3. Living at home with a spouse or dependent child
  4. Is 21 years of age or older on or before Oct. 1 to be exempt for the academic year, or on or before Feb. 15 to be exempt for spring semester

Students who meet these criteria, or have special needs that cannot be met by the residence hall environment may apply for a special exemption from the residency requirement by e-mailing Residence Life. Because the college is committed to the role of residential living as an integral part of the student’s educational experience, such exemptions will be granted only in cases of exceptional need or hardship. Applying for an exemption of the policy does not automatically release the student from the requirement.  First- and second-year students who live off campus without permission (or indicate they are living at home, but are not) will be required to move back on campus or be subject to disciplinary charges and/or cancellation of registration. Students entering Concordia as transfers or with Postsecondary Enrollment Option credits should consult the director of Residence Life about meeting the intent of the four-semester requirement.