Graduation Honors: The required grade point average (GPA) scale for Concordia College graduation honors is 3.5 for cum laude, 3.7 for magna cum laude and 3.9 for summa cum laude. Honors listed in the Commencement program are based on grades up to but not including the final semester. The final honors status is determined after all grades are complete and will then be placed on the transcript and diploma accordingly. Students do not receive cords for institutional honors.
Commencement Participation: It is required that students submit a completed Application for Graduation by the deadline listed on the Registrar's Office Dates & Deadlines calendar to participate in the Commencement ceremony. A student will not be listed in the Commencement program without having submitted this form by the deadline.
August graduates will participate in the May Commencement ceremony immediately preceding their August graduation date. These students must be within 12 semester credits of completing their graduation requirements and be able to complete them by the end of the summer. December graduates typically will participate in the May Commencement ceremony after graduation. However, December graduates may elect to participate in the Commencement ceremony preceding graduation if registered for all remaining degree requirements. Beginning with December 2026 graduates, all December graduates will participate in the May Commencement ceremony immediately after degree completion. Students will not have their degrees conferred nor will they receive diplomas until all graduation requirements are met.
Diplomas: Diplomas are printed and released only to students who have satisfied all graduation requirements and who have settled all financial obligations with the Business Office.