Concordia offers Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees. In addition, the College offers the following graduate degrees: Master of Education in World Language Instruction, Master of Education in Teaching and Learning, Master of Education in Health and Physical Education, Master of Music Education, Master of Science in Management Science and Quantitative Methods, and Master of Science in Nutrition. It is important that students understand the requirements of their desired degree. Advisors will assist in selecting programs of study. All students have access to Degree Works, an electronic degree audit system. This tool, as well as the academic catalog, provides students the information necessary to evaluate their progress toward degree completion. The Office of the Registrar manages the system. Any questions or concerns about the degree audit and the information it provides should be directed to that office. However, the final responsibility for meeting all requirements rests with the student.
Students graduate according to requirements published in the Concordia College Catalog at the time of their matriculation at Concordia, or any one subsequent catalog published during their enrollment. Students who are readmitted two years or more after their last enrollment must satisfy requirements published in the catalog in effect at the time of readmission, or any one subsequent catalog published during their enrollment. Graduation rates are available from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.