Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Supply Chain Management Major

Major Requirements

The requirements for a major in supply chain management are 52-54 credits. 

Required Supporting Courses12
DATA 200Introduction to Data Analytics4
DATA 317Forecasting4
MATH 121Calculus I4
Business Foundation Courses16
ACCT 255Principles of Financial Acctg4
ACCT 256Principles of Managerial Acctg4
BUS 201Principles of Global Economics4
BUS 210Ethics and Leadership4
Business Core Courses9
BUSN 320Business Statistics3
BUSN 339Principles of Management and Leadership3
FIN 303Corporate Finance3
Supply Chain Management Courses9
SCM 310Global Supply Chain Management3
SCM 311Logistics Management3
SCM 325Strategic Purchasing & Sourcing3
Select 6-8 credits from the following:6-8
BUSN 300May Seminar3
BUSN 312Global Development Issues4
BUSN 315Management Information Systems3
BUSN 351Principles of Mktg and Sales3
BUSN 353Retail Management3
BUSN 390Academic Internship1-8
BUSN 439Cross-Cultural Management3
BUSN 451Global Marketing3
BUSN 453Consumer Behavior3
COM 316Intercultural Communication4
FIN 386Business & Commerce Abroad3
IBUS 301Intro to International Trade3
SCM/CSC/MATH 335Operations Management/Research4
Recommended supporting courses:
COM 305Business and Professional Speaking4
COM 312Interpersonal Communication4
COM 314Group Communication and Team Building4
ENG 316Business Writing4
ENG 324Technical Writing4

Degree and Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program-specific requirements listed above, all students must complete the graduation requirements specified for their degree.  See the Degree and Graduation Requirements section for more information.

Suggested Four-Year Plan

The four-year plan detailed below is a suggested coursework sequence. This plan may need to be adapted based on course offerings as well as individual student circumstances, such as transfer credit and study away experiences. 

Supply Chain Management

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FYS 110 Engaged Citizenship Seminar 4
COM 110
Communicating to Engage
or Writing to Engage
BUS 201 Principles of Global Economics 4
Core Exploration - Humanities 4
WELL 110 Engaging in Lifelong Wellness 1
MATH 121 Calculus I 4
ENG 110
Writing to Engage
or Communicating to Engage
BUS 210 Ethics and Leadership 4
Core Exploration - Social Science 4
WELL 111 Engaging in a Balanced Life 1
Second Year
ACCT 255 Principles of Financial Acctg 4
DATA 200 Introduction to Data Analytics 4
REL 200 Christianity and Religious Diversity 4
World Language I 4
ACCT 256 Principles of Managerial Acctg 4
BUSN 339 Principles of Management and Leadership 3
World Language II 4
Core Exploration - Natural Science 4
Third Year
BUSN 320 Business Statistics 3
DATA 317 Forecasting 4
FIN 303 Corporate Finance 3
SCM 311 Logistics Management 3
Core Exploration - Arts 4
SCM 325 Strategic Purchasing & Sourcing 3
BUSN 305 Introduction to Business Law 3
BUSN 315 Management Information Systems 3
Religion 300 J Core Course 4
Core Perspectives Course 4
Fourth Year
SCM 335 Operations Management/Research 4
SCM Elective 3-4
Core Perspectives Course 4
Elective or Minor Course 3-4
SCM 310 Global Supply Chain Management 3
SCM Elective 3-4
Core Perspectives Course 4
Elective or Minor Course 3-4
Internship for PEAK 3
 Total Hours129-133