
Nathan D. Axvig
Ahmed M. Kamel
Damian J. Lampl
Gregory Tanner
Julia Walk

The data science major will prepare students for careers centered around data. Students will be equipped with skills in preparing, analyzing, and communicating data. The data science major equips students to provide critiques of analyses, and recognize appropriate and inappropriate uses of mathematical, statistical, and computer science tools.  In particular, students will
  1. Become proficient with gathering, aggregating, manipulating, and organizing data.
  2. Employ a range of mathematical, statistical, and computer science skills to formulate and answer questions using data.
  3. Communicate results of analyses in oral, written, and graphical form.
  4. Articulate the strengths and weaknesses of an analysis.

Students may not major in Data Science and major in Computer Science with a Data Analytics Concentration

Programs Offered


Undergraduate Certificate